The modern Anti-inflammatory lifestyle

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The anti-inflammatory lifestyle, it’s not Nature’s long existing planetary lifestyle. This modern lifestyle goes against all logical thinking. The body’s physiological “inflammatory” responses are the immune system functions; they are the stimulating actions into everyday physical insults. These “911 calls” are requests for assistance to a life and death emergency. Every biological moment generates the mental ups with those physical downs. Today’s contemporary life is about natural evolutionary harmony with its artificial revolutionary bruises. Our tangential “inner” mind learns about who we are in this present moment. This differs from the “outer” immediate attention to our physical well-being, which is the primary action and principle physiology of our body. The first responders, activated by biochemical hormonal communications, get the right of way, traveling the blood stream without any resistance to repair damaged tissues. This inflammatory process is the “number one” action of zoological life, directly depended on breathing, drinking and eating. The tissues of our body, when calm, are under the control of the parasympathetic nervous system. When the skin is cut, many levels of bioenergetics switch on and certain systemic communication systems start broadcasting.

As soon as the brain finds out, the whole body knows about the breech of integrity. An inflammatory alarm excites the sympathetic nervous system. Instantly, the information many cells are injured and we are losing blood, is spread. It is truly a miracle, how our body repairs itself. Bleeding starts after the “ouch” experience and inflammation begins its instantaneous process. A blood clot develops to an injured site, sealing a microscopic leek. A “take no prisoners” immune system attacks a toxic infestation by opportunistic microorganisms. The garbage eating neutrophils, a major immune cell found in the blood, are the body’s instant and constant clean up crew for biodegradable debris. A clotting, then to a clean up, inflammation’s final step is the repair, leaving scared tissues stronger than before. This is Nature’s healthy (or heal-thy) self-response. like everything else in evolution, inflammatory similarity in animals is worldwide, resembling the planet’s genetic conditioning in all life.

Reflexão de fim de semana relacionada # 35- Blogging

The first amphibian creature to walk on the land goes back 365 million years ago. They did so with a skeleton, similar to the four-legged animals of today. Our own Homo sapiens skeleton resembles this evolutionary past. All are related within Earth’s global DNA family, practicing an environmental terrestrial culture. The “inflammatory response” is as old as any of the skeletons in our evolutionary closet. Healing from an injury dates back to the “primordial soups” of the early oceans; genetic plant and animal life is three billion years old. Being “anti-inflammatory” means, going against inflammation and suppressing our internal healing processes. Isto não faz sentido. To understand animal physiology, inflammation must be one of the earliest processes to evolve in biological life. The main purpose of inflammation is to self-heal, removing toxins by processing them from a body’s injury site. A skin cut is an obvious emergency concern by our cellular intelligence but there are so many not so obvious injuries, being created unknowingly.

Today, toxins are stored in the body, causing chronic inflammation; their acidic chemistry stresses the alkaline nature of our tissues. A chronic condition is the size of a microscopic landfill. Our unhealthy acidic habits continue to fill these molecular dumpsites with useless matter and dangerous substances. Alerting the garbage collecting opportunistic scavengers, these modern inflammatory degenerative diseases are all caused by our ignorance. The only “true” physiological way to heal oneself and reverse these chronic conditions is not to ignore them. stop the unhealthy habits and start to over nourish the body with an abundance of planetary energy and nutrients, joined together with a lot of mental rest (sleep). This is evolutionary healing and all the wildlife on the planet inherited the genes to self-heal.

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The “inflammatory lifestyle” is Nature’s way. all of Nature’s wildlife supports this style of being. The EaO estilo de vida de RTH ama e vive uma existência genética, evolutiva e ambiental na Terra, não importa o período de evolução que falamos. Os herbívoros e carnívoros, antes e depois dos dinossauros sessenta e cinco milhões há anos, todos viveram essa maneira natural, consumindo as cadeias alimentares do planeta de cada temporada rotativa. Comedores de plantas e comedores de carne, todos são programados pelo condicionamento ambiental da Terra; Nenhum animal em todo o tempo já processou sua comida, além de mastigar e engolir. Alimentos planetários, fornecidos frescos, são os melhores e apenas alimentos reais para nutrir o corpo e todas as suas funções bioquímicas e fisiológicas. Não há como melhorar este sistema natural de sua inflamação para sua fertilização. Um fenômeno vivo é o continuum da vida da natureza.

“A maçã não cai longe da árvore”

A melhor filosofia da vida para aceitar para criar nossa saúde evolutiva é: “A maçã não fica longe da árvore”. Nestes tempos caóticos, ser realmente saudável requer apenas uma conexão consciente com a “árvore da vida” da nossa mãe da natureza. Fundada nos jardins da Terra de Eden, meios saudáveis, sendo cercados pela energia e nutrientes das origens biológicas. Ser saudável apenas envolve a participação de alguém neste estilo de vida do jardim para colher os benefícios. Uma doença inflamatória pode ser retirada com um estilo de vida de apoio inflamatório. Alimentos e sucos da natureza nutrem nossa imunidade ao desempenho de pico; A natureza e apenas a natureza fornece os alimentos evolutivos destinados ao nosso corpo. Compreender alimentos não evolutivos são substâncias não nutritivas para um alto grau e se armazenadas, tornam-se locais-alvo inflamatórios em nossos tecidos. Doença crônica acontece quando há muitos locais inflamatórios para o nosso sistema imunológico para lidar; Nós nos quebramos, não sendo capazes de lidar e são forçados a prestar atenção. Alguns de nós engolirão agentes anti-inflamatórios e antiácidos para uma reaquecedores químicos inorgânicos, combater os alimentos inflamatórios que somos viciados em comer. Outros jejuarão rapidamente, beberão muita água e comerão alimentos alcalinos da Mãe Natureza para sustentar nossas ações inflamatórias e estilo de vida, prevenção, cura e reparar nossos tecidos prejudicados por traumas ambientais.

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