Weekend reflection #55 blogging as well as Independent 3 Year Olds

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Grab the weekend reflection Code

É hora de aparecer novamente na semana passada. Quais foram algumas das coisas positivas que aconteceram? O que realmente te incomodou? Did you laugh? Choro? Stand on your head? Whatever you did this past week I want to hear it. Compondo todas as coisas malucas que ocorreram na semana passada é um ótimo método para oferecer com o estresse. À medida que nossas vidas ficam mais movimentadas e mais movimentadas, juntamente com o estresse. It is time to let it all out so you can delight in your weekend. get the button code, make your blog publish as well as don’t fail to remember to leave your link with Mr. Linky!

My week went by rather rapidly however I was busy, busy, busy. now that I have my blogging notebook or what I phone call my “blogging bible” put together I am discovering myself much more organized with my company as well as keeping that comes much more assignments. I utilized to compose perhaps 1 or 2 articles a day however my e mail has been flooded with requests for reviews, giveaways, as well as other assignments. So now I am composing 3-4 articles a day. I didn’t want that to happen, however hey, if I am getting paid or getting something totally free then it is well worth it.

In my binder I put routine sheets which span a month. I have the days of the week together with lines to fill in assignments. I likewise have additional things that I do to promote my blog noted below the composing assignments. This makes things a great deal simpler for me since then if I get a request in my e mail I can compose it down on a date that isn’t filled up so I understand it will get done. This likewise assists me if I have a deadline I requirement to meet.

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I’ve likewise been discovering myself composing much more assignments for the weekend. yesterday I started working at 3 am like typical as well as did not surface up until 7pm. Of program I took breaks to feed the kids, modification diapers, take my oldest to school, etc. I had a great deal of articles to compose as well as it is almost the end of the month so I had a few additional stuff to do também. however I like my task as well as I am making new buddies as well as money so it is all well worth it. I am likewise getting better to my goal of moving out of this small house.

Moving is one more story all together. I had a counseling visit on Monday, like I typically do as well as we started speaking about my marriage. She understands that I am a extremely goal driven person as well as if I work difficult to reach my goals I am able to stay positive. since of the success of healthy mothers I have been able to stay positive for a while. however I am believing about months ahead. My hubby does not have a extremely great high paying job. That is why we online in this small lease totally free house. This home utilized to be Chris’ grandmother’s. however now she is in a house since she has Alzheimer’s. We have three bedrooms, a small bathroom, a small kitchen area as well as that is about it. I believe it is about 800-900 square feet.

This poses a big issue for me since I experience from stress and anxiety as well as claustrophobia. I continuously feel like I am trapped as well as in some cases I have to run into the backyard to escape. I am concerned about my claustrophobia getting worse when the new infant is born. however like my mom in legislation always says, it is a home. as well as she is right.

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But this does not avoid me from setting monetary goals. I am still homesick so I truly want to relocation back home. homes are a great deal less expensive out there, the expense of living is less costly as well as there are fewer crowds. I can’t stand crowds. If I am stuck in a crowd I have a panic attack.

So I sat down as well as figured out exactly how much money I would have to make weekly in purchase to support my household so we can relocation back to Wisconsin. I am slowly reaching that goal. ideally by this time around next year I’ll be able to pay for to move. When I discussed this with Chris he stated that he wished to have a task first. So now I have to discover him a task as well otherwise he is not coming with us. Did I blog about this already?

Suponho que ainda estou estressado com tudo isso. Então, agora estou me repetindo. De qualquer forma, é isso que está em minha mente a semana toda.

Os jovens estão indo muito bem. Conan fez xixi no penico outro dia! No entanto, muitos dias ele não está tão interessado. Ciara tem falado sobre seus primos de volta para casa. Eu não entendo o porquê. Talvez ela sente falta deles. Tudo o que Courtney pode falar é sua peça que a 6ª série está colocando para os alunos da 1ª série. Eu suponho que ela está bastante animada.

Eu tenho que te contar essa história. Outro dia, fomos à loja de vitaminas, bem como conan alguns probióticos. Eles tinham sabor de cereja e também que tinham que ser refrigerados. Naquela noite, Ciara se recusou a ir para a cama. Chris ficou acordado com ela até cerca de 10:30. Depois disso, ele estava tão exausto quanto para a cama. Eu já estava dormindo. Ciara escolheu se ajudar no conteúdo da geladeira. Ela comeu meio pedaço de manteiga, tentou se derramar um chá gelado, quebrou alguns ovos (4), além de comer toda a garrafa dos probióticos de Conan. Escusado será afirmar que ela tinha uma dor de estômago naquela manhã. Felizmente, as pílulas são livres de risco e as crianças não podem overdose nelas. No entanto, tivemos que conseguir um pouco mais para ele.

Reflexão de fim de semana relacionada

Eu acredito que compartilhei o suficiente, então agora é a sua vez! Tenha um fim de semana fantástico e sem riscos do Memorial Day!

LINK A ESTE POST: reflexão de fim de semana #55 blogs e também como crianças de 3 anos independentes


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By hayden

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