National Immunization Month

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Immunizations are a vitally important facet of our society, decreasing the incidence of serious and sometimes even deadly contagious diseases. As one of the most important public health developments of the 20th Century, immunizations have come a long way towards keeping the nation’s public healthy and protected. August has been deemed national Immunization awareness Month to help highlight immunizations and immunization education to increase adherence and raise public awareness of the importance of immunizations throughout life.

Although immunizations are necessary for our children and infants, they are also important for adults, young and old alike, and are suggested throughout our lives to keep us in continued good health along the way. even the healthiest adult is not impervious to communicable diseases, and illness can spread quickly. Without the aid of immunizations, a small break out can quickly become a public health crisis. Immunizations allow us all to do our part in keeping our nation safe from preventable diseases.

Elderly individuals, infants, and those with asthma, Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, heart disease, or weakened immune systems are at increased risk of complications if exposed to contagious diseases. therefore it is important for all individuals to remain updated on their immunizations.

Parents – parents can help protect their children by ensuring they are up to date on their vaccines and promptly following the immunization schedule suggested for their child’s age. Currently, some vaccination rates are not meeting national public health goals. This puts children at increased risk of exposure and makes maintaining a proper immunization schedule even more essential to the health of each family.

Pregnancy – It’s important that pregnant women are up to date on their vaccines before pregnancy, and receive flu and whooping cough (pertussis) vaccines. pregnant moms experience physical changes that can make them more vulnerable to severe bouts of the flu. These vaccines protect both the mother and the child during the critical 12 months of gestation.

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Children – Daycare and school-age children are at increased risk for contracting contagious diseases. because child care centers, classrooms, and playgrounds group together a high number of children, these areas pose an increased risk of exposure and transmission. From infants to young adults to those of college age, routine vaccines should be administered to help protect these individuals during school years when the risk of exposure is high.

Are Vaccines Safe?Every vaccine in the united states is put through a barrage of safety testing before they are licensed and prolonged to the public. In fact, the united states has the safest, most effective vaccine supply to date. Vaccinations are the most affordable ways to prevent disease in today’s world, and the FDA and the CDC work hand-in-hand with healthcare service providers throughout the united states to monitor vaccine safety and review reports of side effects. It’s important to note that most reported side impacts from vaccinations are rare, mild, and temporary. most often, these side impacts merely result in redness, swelling, or tenderness at the shot site.

A healthy vaccine record corresponds to a healthy individual. Let’s take a look at each age range and the immunizations that are critical during these phases of life.

PregnancyThe first 12 months from inception to birth are a critical time for a mother and her unborn baby. and the best way to protect both individuals is to ensure that the mother is up to date on both the flu and whooping cough (Tdap) vaccines. These vaccines help provide the baby with some immunity, and this protection is vital during these first few months of life. Maternal antibodies pass protection to the newborn in the womb, and help prevent serious complications. moms who catch the flu or whooping cough while they are pregnant are at a much greater risk of passing it to their baby and as a result, experiencing pregnancy complications such as early labor and delivery.

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Birth to Age 6Childhood immunizations are an important part of setting up our youth for a healthy future. early protection and timely immunization protects children before theVocê tem a chance de ser exposto. Essas vacinas protegem contra 14 doenças graves e potencialmente fatais, incluindo: sarampo, hepatite A e B, rotavírus, difteria, tétano, coquesis, haemophilus influenzae tipo B, doenças pneumocócicas, polio, influenza, sarampo, muros, rubéola e galinha.

Pré -adolescentes e adolescentes quando as crianças chegam aos anos pré -adolescentes e adolescentes, muitas de suas vacinas de infância começaram a se cansar. As doses de reforço ajudam a perpetuar essas imunizações ao longo da idade adulta. Pré -adolescentes e adolescentes requerem tétano, difteria, coqueluche, vacina conjugada meningocócica quadrivalente e vacinas contra o HPV (Papilomavírus humano). Os jovens adultos não possuem o sistema imunológico fortificado de adultos e estão menos equipados para lidar com infecções como HPV, meningite ou septicemia. As vacinas oportunas podem oferecer aos pais a paz de espírito que inclui proteção evitável para doenças ao enviar seus filhos para a escola.

Os adultos para adultos que os adultos sofrem desnecessariamente de doenças que poderiam ter sido facilmente evitadas se tivessem sido adequadamente vacinadas. Muitos adultos nem sequer consideram a necessidade de imunizações de rotina, mas essas vacinas contra a idade adulta podem oferecer proteção valiosa contra coqueluche, hepatite, telhas e doenças pneumocócicas. Os adultos devem receber uma vacina contra influenza todos os anos, juntamente com a vacina TD ou TDAP, se não a receberam mais cedo na vida. Além disso, o tiro de booster de TD deve ser dado a cada 10 anos para proteger contra o tétano e a difteria. Dependendo da idade, estado de saúde, histórico de vacinação e viagens, alguns adultos também devem receber as telhas, as vacinas pneumocócicas, hepatite e HPV.

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Crechas, playgrounds, escolas, centros comunitários, arenas esportivas e outras áreas altamente sociais colocam indivíduos em alto risco de exposição a doenças transmissíveis. Com os desenvolvimentos de hoje em imunização, não há necessidade de lidar com riscos quando se trata da saúde de você, sua família ou seus vizinhos. A imunização rotineira e oportuna é igualmente importante para proteger não apenas o indivíduo, mas a comunidade em geral de doenças contagiosas evitáveis. Quando se trata de imunizações, proteção para um significa proteção para todos.

Contribuído por: North County Health Services. NCHS se importa: de resfriados comuns a gestações complexas, estamos aqui. Resources:

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Link para este post: Mês da Imunização Nacional


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